Core 1.6.0 update
Changes in the CZQO Core update 1.6.0
This update provides UI updates and a new feedback system. View the GitHub milestone here.
Main Changes
- New feedback system which allows you to submit feedback on controllers, operations, and our website to Gander staff without sending an email or opening a support ticket.
- Randomised banner images on the dashboard.
- ATC Resources is added back to the dashboard.
- Added a cool timelapse to the home page in place of the image currently there.
UI Changes
- natTRAK added to pilots section.
- Fixed avatar rounding on new controllers section on home page.
- Fixed online sectors on big map.
- Added News to the navbar.
- Added Blog to the publications dropdown on navbar.
- Made About page on website more visible and added github/canary links.
- New error pages.
- Removed instances of the old logo where we have found them.
Other Changes
- (Admin) Revised core settings functions, moving it into the /admin/settings path along with emails, rotation images, and audit log.
- Change to Semantic versioning, meaning that YYMM (this would be 2005) versioning system is now retired.
- Sharpened blown up image on home page.
- Updated website change log to the blog.
- Fixed news article visibility.
If you wish to contribute images for the random banners on the dashboard, please contact us.